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Profile for abellan

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:51
  • Posts: 10
  • Profile Views: 3100
  • Location: Unknown
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How can I change the handler of the 404 error? In the configuration, in the 404 section I can only select "Front Page" or "Custom 404 Page" but I want like "Server Handler 404 Error"

Or custom URL like "mydomain.tld/error.html"

Call 404 from the se ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Was my fault, it's my terrible english :P

Ok, thank you so much.
ZOO item custom titl ...
Category: Extensions
No, in a custom title of Joomla default content works perfectly but if I put a custom title for a ZOO item this custom title it's not included in the <title> tag.


Iten name = World War Z
Custom tittle (see image in post 3) = BOOK World War Z

If JoomSEF is disabled the <title> tag is "BOOK World War Z"
If JoomSEF is enabled the <title> tag is "World War Z"


Article name = Buy a Book
Custom tittle (see image in post 3) = How to: buy a book

If JoomSEF is disabled the <title> tag is "How to: buy a book"
If JoomSEF is enabled the <title> tag is "How to: buy a book"

If you see, this means that CUSTOM TITLE in ZOO isn't handled properly by JoomSEF ZOO extension.
ZOO item custom titl ...
Category: Extensions
Since ZOO 2.5 you can customize the tittle of the display page of the item or category. When creating/editing an item/category, at the right sidebar appears DETAILS, METADATA, TEMPLATE and TAGS. From METADATA section you can edit the TITTLE, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS, ROBOTS and AUTHOR meta tags of the generated page for displaying the item/category.

ZOO item custom titl ...
Category: Extensions
The ZOO extension in his 3.0.6 version does not include the item custom title in the title tag of the generated url. Is this a bug or not given feature?

ZOO item custom titl ...
Category: Extensions
And why the categories handling do this?

books/genre/subgenre (selecting an item will bring us to) books/genre/subgenre/item

books/editorial/company (selecting an item will bring us to) books/genre/subgenre/item (and not to) books/editorial/company/item
ZOO extension catego ...
Category: Extensions
I have multiple categories in my ZOO app, how can I make the JoomSEF's zoo extension add the main category of the item and not a "random" one?


APP BOOKS, categories (genre -main category-, author, editorial, year)

i want the url like => books/genre/spy/item

now is like => books/editorial/macmillan/item

Why doesn't takes the main category by default?
ZOO extension catego ...
Category: Extensions
How can i add a prefix tittle to an ZOO app in JOOMSEF 4 EXTENSION? I'm using the suffix for the website's address.

From this: My Element -

To this: Download My Element -


Order Number: 00020942
Add title prefix to ...
Category: Extensions
i bought this joomsef 4 extension and same problem....... i'm frustrated :(
index.phpindex.php?I ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

How can I put some text for automatically the program put in before and after the meta title?

Just like "site name" feature.

EX ------------------

Before tag -> "Download"
After tag -> "from MYSITE"

Page title/meta title with joomsef activated-> "Program Name"

Mix together on meta title/page title "Download Program Name from MYSITE"

Is this possible?

ps. I'm doing this one by one but it's so painful..

Sorry for my bad english
Some text before and ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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