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ARTIO JoomSEF Metabot 1.5.0

NameARTIO JoomSEF Metabot 1.5.0

ARTIO JoomSEF Metabot as separate installation file. Normally, the mambot is installed as part of the ARTIO JoomSEF component installation package. You may use this installer to reinstall the mambot in case you have deleted it accidentally and you do not want to reinstall the whole JoomSEF.

The metabot takes care about adding the meta tags and page titles edited using JoomSEF to your Joomla! site.

PLEASE NOTE: This mambot requires ARTIO JoomSEF component to be installed to work.
Filesize1.84 kB
Filetypezip (Mime Type: application/zip)
Hits6542 Hits


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