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> Software, Documentation & Papers

JoomDOC 3.1.2 Standard Free

NameJoomDOC 3.1.2 Standard Free

JoomDOC 3 is a document management system for Joomla CMS. It is maily targeted to Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 and also work in 1.5.

This is a new version of popular document management component that allows you to upload and organize and publish documents at your Joomla site. These documents can be categories in multi-level hierarchy, tagged with meta-data and your users can download or view them online. Various media formats can be used, as PDF, text documents, spreadsheets, etc.

This is a standard edition that is available for free under a GPL license.

If you are interested in more features, make sure to check JoomDOC editions comparison. Full component description is available at JoomDOC homepage.
Filesize392.1 kB
Filetypezip (Mime Type: application/zip)
Hits8745 Hits


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