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Conv - Source package

NameConv - Source package

Conv is utility to convet URLs generated by JoomSEF 1.2.x or earlier to be compatible with JoomSEF 1.3.x or later. It can work with JoomSEF export files or any SQL dumps (e.g. from PHPMyAdmin).

This utility is useful when you have created a lot of manual URLs and you do not want to type them again after moving to JoomSEF 1.3.x. The reaon of this tools is that starting with JoomSEF 1.3.x, the URLs are stored in slighly different format and URLs generated in earlier versions are not matched correctly with them.

This is a source code package written in C. The binary can be compiled easily on any system using make utility.
Filesize2.93 kB
Filetypezip (Mime Type: application/zip)
Hits8406 Hits


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